Covid19 Treatment Options Trials To Reduce Viral Load Sarscov2 2019ncov Coronavirus

Covid19 possible treatment options for reducing the intensity of the virus and to minimise the contagious virus from disrupting lung function details info. The whole world has no clue as how to stop this pandemic right now because there is no antidote or vaccination available for this virus. Pharma giants have plunged in to testing research and development, but this may take time. As some of these cases are severe, some doctors have gone to the extent of testing currently available medicines to see whether they help in reducing the severity of breathlessness. Some of the doctors claim that these medicines have indeed been useful to help detach the virus from the surface of the host to a certain extent and help the immune system of the body in doing the rest of the job to fight the virus. These drugs that are being considered and used as treatment option for reducing the aggressiveness of the coronavirus are Hydroxychloroquine (anti malaria drug), remdesvir (ebola drug), combinat...